'Digital Twin' Food and Grocery Council webinar

Your products, their ‘digital twin’ and increasing consumer confidence.

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This event was held 10 November 2022, you can now watch the video recording of the webinar. 

GS1 NZ Chief Executive Peter Stevens and GS1 NZ Digital Content Operations Manager Natasha Helleur discuss why your product’s ‘Digital Twin’ is just as important online as the physical packaging in a retail store.

The Issue

Inaccurate, out-of-date and incomplete product information for online use especially by retailers is becoming a real problem. It impacts consumers purchasing decisions, you as a supplier (missing out on sales and putting brand reputations at risk), your retailers and regulators.

Why should I care?

Data is King. The need for accurate and complete product data has significantly increased over recent years to deliver on the demands:

  • From consumers asking for more transparency to match their preferences and requirements of your products;
  • To comply with increased expectations around product safety and traceability; and
  • To improve the supply chain performance in the post-Covid, and increasingly digital world of business.

The online ‘Digital Twins’ of your products are as important as the packaging in a physical retail store. Not getting this right could cost you important sales or put your hard earned reputation at risk. 

Research shows that up to 9% of online SKUs had changes made to allergen declarations, and 18% had ingredient changes that did not match the product on the retail shelves. 

Even worse, far too many products have an online image that does not match what is on the shelf. 

We’ve all got to do a lot better and take responsibility for getting this stuff right – it really does matter, especially when the stakes are so high.


And, if you need more convincing, picture this...

Derek sees an ad for low-carb cookies on social media. When he comes across the same cookies in his local supermarket, he checks online for reviews. The reviews are great, but the packaging looks different to what’s online. Confused, he decides not to buy the cookies.

Sarah had a serious medical event from eating peanuts as a child and, understandably, she wants to be certain that everything she buys now, is free from ground nuts. Sadly though, Sarah knows that she cannot trust what she reads about a product online.

Research shows that about 75% of online shoppers rely on product photography for deciding to purchase a product. Of those who do complete the purchase, 64%* say they will return items because of a mismatch in product information.

Having reliable, complete, up-to-date and consistent product information is playing an increasingly important role now, because customers care more than ever what they’re buying, and they also want a seamless, enjoyable shopping experience. Let’s do better!

*U.S. online shopper reasons for returning online orders 2017, Statista, 2017, statista.com